DeepBrain Magazine JUNE 2012 is online! Right click HERE for the issue n° 1

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DeepBrain Magazine 2010 is online! Right click HERE for the issue n° 0

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Copyright© 2009 Deepbrain Society. Tutti i diritti riservati.  All Rights Reserved.  All materials published on "Profondamente"©  , including, but not limited to images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips (collectively the "Material") are protected by copyrights owned or controlled by Deepbrain Sociey. These materials are only for personal and non-commercial usage.


Executive editor  Anna Maria Santoro

 Profondamente©  is the official magazine of DeepBrain Society

Contributions are welcome: send your papers to:


Instructions for authors

Writers will not receive payment for articles

Electronic submission in Microsoft Word format is preferable, however papers may also be submitted in Rich Text format (.rtf) or Text format (.txt).  Please advise the editorial team if you are unable to meet these requirements. Images should be high resolution jpg’s, saved and submitted as separate files. Short author biographies with passport photo in JPG are welcome!

" I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself the king of infinite space…”  Hamlet

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