Doctor of Medicine
Pediatrician & Criminologist
Bachelor's degree in Psychology
Master of Science in Psychology
Doctor Anna Maria Santoro
Journalist and Teacher
Dr. Jürgen Koller
Doctor's Degree in Philosophy
Dr. Hernan Chang
Doctor of Medicine
Heidi Ursula Wallon Pizarro
Master Degree in Geophysics
Dr. Nicole Schneider PhD
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Haider Hussein Ali
Master of Biomedical Science
Dr. Vincenzo Alfano
Doctor of International Relations
Doctor of Public Administration Sciences
Dr. Christian Sorensen
PhD Degree in Philosophy
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"Guido, i' vorrei che tu e Lapo ed io fossimo presi per incantamento e messi in un vasel, ch'ad ogni vento per mare andasse al voler vostro e mio..." Dante to Guido Cavalcanti